How to buy

How do I make my purchase?
1. Browse through our online store within the menu departments or directly through our search bar in the catalog.
2. Select the products that most attract your attention and know their characteristics. Add the products you want to buy to your cart.
3. Continue shopping by clicking "Continue shopping" or choose "Proceed to checkout" if you have finished choosing items.
4. Verify that your cart contains the correct items and the desired quantities. Proceed to payment by clicking on "Proceed to payment".
5. Fill out the forms in the "personal information" and "addresses" section according to your information. The address you provide us will correspond to where your order will be delivered. Remember that you can edit your information by clicking on the "edit" icon.
6. Choose a shipping method to send you all the items you selected and click continue.
7. Pay from the market, pay, paypal or with a credit or debit card (visa or mastercard). Click on the desired option and on the box "I agree to the terms of service and accept them without reservation." Confirm your order by clicking on “order with payment obligation”.
8. Complete the pop-up form according to the payment method you have selected and confirm your purchase. Your purchase has been confirmed and will soon arrive at your home.

What are the payment methods?

You can pay for your orders through Mercado Pago, PayPal or with a credit or debit card (Visa or MasterCard).

How can I search articles on the page?
If you want to find a specific item in our store, you can search for it through the top bar of the page using keywords that describe it. We suggest avoiding the use of prepositions and articles to make your search for better results.

Why can't I find the article I'm looking for on the page?

Item availability is likely to vary based on demand. However, we suggest you contact us through the online store pop-up chat (located at the bottom right) to follow up on your order.